Inaccurate claim review is costly

Paying Fraudulent Claims Can Cost Millions of Dollars

The current process for reviewing claims was never intended to handle large volumes of fraudulent submissions. This results in a substantial number of bad claims being paid and valid claims being unjustly rejected.

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There are bad actors, then their is programmatic fraud

Both Create Tangible Problems

Bad Actors

Bad actors will physically fill out the claim form several times, trying to trick the reviewers into approving multiple claims

Programmatic Fraud

Programatic Fraudsters will reverse engineer the claim form, and submit 10s to 100s of thousands, even millions of claims across the duration of the claims period.

good intentions with unintended consequences

Consolidation Sites Inform Fraudsters

Consolidation sites were developed to improve the awareness of Class Action Settlements to actual Class Members. They inherently aid the settlement process by driving legitimate class members to submit claims. Unfortunately, bad actors and the orchestrators of programmatic fraud have caught on. Now being listed on these sites will surely result in fraudulent claims being submitted, often times in the form of programmatic fraud.


Solicitation Sites Are Bad From The Start

These sites educate people on how they can "earn free money" by submitting claims on no proof required Class Action Settlements. Or even tell people they can "Get Beer Money" by submitting claims. Not only do these sites risk informing programmatic fraud operations of a Settlement, they generally drive Bad Actors to submit claims.

let's take a look behind the curtain

The Nuts and Bolts of Programmatic Fraud

Programmatic fraud is when a person or organization reverse engineers an online claim form and writes computer code to automatically submit claims using fake aliases. These aliases may include computer (AI) generated First Names and Last Names; actual or fake addresses; properly set up or fake email addresses and phone numbers that are often active. The code can solve claim validation questions on the claim form and bypass CAPTCHA technology. These claims are near impossible to distinguish from legitimate claims and fraudsters are constantly improving their technology to push a greater number of fraudulent claims through final payout.


Using ClaimScore has Lead to Millions in Savings When Compared to the Industry Standard Review Process

ClaimScore's claim validation system is capable of identifying Bad Actors and Programmatic Fraud alike. Effectively distinguishing between fraudulent claims and legitimate ones is critical to the validity of the Class Action Settlement process. ClaimScore's Real Time Claim Validation product can be integrated into any Claims Administrators' digital claim form, will review claims in real time and provide review results instantly back to the Administrator. ClaimScore's Retro Claim Validation product includes reviewing claims after they are completed via file upload. Both products include access to our live, interactive dashboard that presents aggregated results. ClaimScore can also conduct a Mid-Case Consultation. During a Mid-Case consultation, ClaimScore will review the claims for a case and provide advanced reporting, including a declaration, and full backup documentation of review results.

Real Time Claims Validation

Claims from any claim form, reviewed in real time with instantaneous result reporting.

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Retro Claims Validation

Claims reviewed via file upload and results provided live as claims are being reviewed.

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Mid-Case Consultation

Retro Claims Validation paired with advanced reporting and preparation of a declaration.

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